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Git & Github: Managing Files

Delete / Remove Files

In the course of your project, you might need to delete files that are no longer necessary. Git provides a straightforward command to handle this:

git rm <filename>

After executing the above command, the file will be removed from your working directory and the deletion will be staged for the next commit.


git rm oldfile.txt

Restore Files

Mistakes happen. If you've accidentally deleted a file, Git has got your back. You can easily restore a deleted file if it was tracked by Git:

git restore --source=HEAD~1 -- <filename>

This command will restore the file from the last commit (HEAD~1).


git restore --source=HEAD~1 -- oldfile.txt

Rename Files

Renaming files in Git ensures that you maintain the file's history. Instead of manually renaming the file and then adding it to Git, use the following command:

git mv <old-filename> <new-filename>

This command will rename the file and stage the renaming for the next commit.


git mv oldfile.txt newfile.txt

Managing files efficiently in Git is crucial for maintaining a clean and organized codebase. By mastering these commands, you ensure that your project remains streamlined and you can easily track changes, deletions, and renames in your repository.

Version 1.0

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