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Day 27: Python Data Classes

Python Data Classes: Simplifying Data Storage

Python data classes are a modern feature that streamline the creation of classes specifically designed for storing data. Essentially, a class serves as a blueprint for generating objects, and data classes are a specialized type of class tailored for data storage.

For instance, if you're developing a program to record people's names and ages, data classes can be incredibly useful. You could establish a class named 'Person' with two fields: one for the name and another for the age. Consequently, you can generate multiple instances of the 'Person' class, each with a unique name and age.

Implementing Data Classes in Python

from dataclasses import dataclass 

class Person: 
    name: str 
    age: int 

p1 = Person("John", 30)

In the above code snippet, we import the 'dataclass' decorator from the 'dataclasses' module. We then define a 'Person' class with 'name' and 'age' as its fields. The '@dataclass' decorator above the class definition indicates that 'Person' is a data class. Finally, we create an instance of the 'Person' class and print it.

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