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Git & Github: Git Workflow

Typical Workflow

The Git workflow is a systematic approach to version control and collaboration in a software development project. It ensures that developers can work simultaneously without stepping on each other's toes and integrates their changes seamlessly into the project. Let's delve into the typical Git flow and understand its significance.

1. Initialize the Repository

Before you start, you need a repository to hold your project. If you're starting from scratch, initialize a new repository:

git init

2. Create a New Branch

For every new feature or bugfix, create a separate branch. This ensures that the main code (usually in the master or main branch) remains unaffected.

git checkout -b <branch-name>

3. Make Changes and Commit

Once you've made your changes, stage them and commit with a descriptive message.

git add .
git commit -m "Descriptive message about the changes"

4. Sync with Remote Repository

If you're collaborating with a team, it's essential to keep your local repository updated with changes made by others.

git pull origin master

5. Merge Branches

After completing the feature or bugfix, merge your branch into the main code.

git checkout master
git merge <branch-name>

6. Handle Merge Conflicts

If there are conflicts between your changes and the main code, resolve them manually. Once resolved, commit the changes.

7. Push Changes to Remote Repository

Once everything is in order, push your changes to the remote repository.

git push origin master

8. Clean Up

After successfully merging your changes, you can delete the branch you were working on.

git branch -d <branch-name>

The typical Git workflow is a blend of systematic steps and best practices, ensuring efficient collaboration and version control in software projects. By adhering to this workflow, teams can streamline their development process, minimize conflicts, and ensure a smooth software development lifecycle.

Version 1.0

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