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Day 29: Python - Reading & Writing Files

"File Input/Output (I/O) in Python is a fundamental technique for data manipulation, allowing you to read from and write data to files on your computer. To open a file, Python provides the open() function, which requires the file path and mode as arguments. Common modes include 'r' for reading and 'w' for writing.

Reading from a file can be accomplished using methods such as read(), readline(), or readlines(). Conversely, writing to a file involves the write() or writelines() methods. It's crucial to remember to close the file after operations are completed, which can be done by invoking the close() method."

Writing to a File in Python

# Write to a file
with open('file.txt', 'w') as f:
    f.write("Hello, world!\n") 
    f.write("This is some text.\n") 

In this example, we're using Python's open() function with 'w' mode to write data to a file named 'file.txt'. The write() method is used to write strings to the file.

Reading from a File in Python

# Read from a file
with open('file.txt', 'r') as f:
# Output: 
# "Hello, world!\nThis is some text.\n"

Here, we're opening the same file in 'r' mode to read its content. The read() method is used to read the entire content of the file, which is then printed to the console.

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